jesuit volunteer corps
Websites & Apps

Jesuit Volunteer Corps

The Jesuit Volunteer Corps’ programs place young adults in service organizations in the U.S. and beyond. While rooted in Jesuit values, the program is open to volunteers regardless of faith tradition (or lack thereof) who seek to serve others and grow as compassionate leaders.

jvc home desktop

While the JVC team was successful at collecting images and stories that captured the life-chagning experience of serving as a Jesuit Volunteer, their previous website didn’t allow them to share that content in a way that reflected who they are as an organization. They sought a redesigned website that is engaging for potential volunteers, former volunteers, and donors.

jvc desktop ourmission
jvc desktop ourmission

Former Jesuit Volunteers (FJVs) remain engaged with JVC long after they serve, supporting the organization through both donations and help with recruitment. Using previous survey research as a foundation, we spoke directly with FJVs to understand the types of stories and content that capture the experience they remember and connect with.

Recruitment is a key goal for JVC, with current college students and recent college graduates as primary audiences. A major goal in the redesigned website was to provide them with both the emotional, personal content that would make them want to apply and the practical steps to help them understand how to apply.

jvc ipad history

At the visual design workshop, a combination of “handwritten” script and more refined, modern typefaces appealed to participants as they sought to identify visual elements that were both “gritty” and uncluttered.

We incorporated this into the design system for their new website, where hand-drawn elements complement bold, modern typeface. The hand drawn elements on the site are meant to convey the act of journaling (which is very important for JVs) and the hands on, personal experience of serving.

jvc mobile

The redesigned JVC website incorporates bold storytelling through both text and images that help prospective volunteers and potential donors connect with the experience of serving as a Jesuit Volunteer.

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Reach out to us to start a conversation! 215.755.1330
Rachel Emery
Director of Partnerships