April 2nd, 2009

IDES 322: All Hands On Deck

Rick Banister
Today we will revising and polishing each group's project objective copy and putting a finish on the Farm Philly branding material. You will decide on a domain for the project blog, purchase it, and with our help set up hosting. We will be working together to build a custom Wordpress theme, establish your user accounts, and begin adding content. You will spend the class assisting us with the design and gathering your research materials and other documentation of the project to this point.

For next week you will each have posted at least FIVE items of research, collected data, preliminary design, and other bits of documentation. You will bring with you to class anything you might need to continue getting the project blog caught up to your current progress level. You should continue to exercise the methods we've explored thus far, adding photos, videos, scanned notes, data, and copy relevent to your urban farming initiatives. As we are more than halfway through the semester, you should have copious amounts of content ready to upload.

In addition to publishing content, next week's class will contain a short lecture/demonstration on mapping and leveraging google maps. You will learn to create and share maps, adding points, descriptions, paths, and add maps to the project blog.

  • All relevant content you've created around the Farm Philly project to date, gather media resources, get organized.
  • AT LEAST FIVE posts regarding your respective contribution to the project. Your posts will be categorized within your group and tagged appropriately.
  • Upload your ongoing project photos to Flickr, tag them ides322, farmphilly, and anything else relevant to the project or their content.
  • Start creating videos and upload them to your personal video sharing accounts, upload any existing video content. Tag it appropriately. Post it to the project blog.
Check out another article
March 27th, 2009
Make That Scrilla
March 26th, 2009
IDES 322: Forming & Storming