April 1st, 2010

Happy Birthday to Us!

P'unk Avenue is five years old today!

In honor of this momentous occasion, we've reshuffled our roles.

Effective immediately, I (Tom Boutell) am the lead designer.

As my first official act, I've changed our default font here on the window blog to the timeless and brilliant Comic Sans.

Rick has also changed jobs. Please welcome him as our lead developer. I'm informed that he plans to switch us all over to Visual BASIC .NET immediately. The goal is to recreate Drupal in Visual BASIC. In the meantime we'll be porting our Apostrophe sites to Drupal as a transitional step.

Geoff is already happy in his role as chief compost engineer, and we aim to keep him that way. Jake will be making a lateral move from designer to chief executive, and Dan will be our business development lead. He plans to win new clients to our cause by explaining the Symfony embedded forms API to them, drowning them in source code until they surrender one by one.

Alex and John have announced plans to open a bakery producing exclusively apostrophe-shaped cookies.
Just kidding, dear friends. Would we do such terrible things to you?
Check out another article
March 28th, 2010
Mix Tape